Goal setting is a powerful tool for personal development, offering a roadmap to achieve our desires and aspirations.....
Blah Blah Blah - does this actually work?
I mean, let's look at this in the light of the many times you have sat chatting about your New Year and how it's going to be different - this year, you will actually do, be, have, change the things you say you want to.... Hmmmm... Nope - it's not going to happen.
What you will get is a dodgy feeling of, a little bit of shame that you announced to the world of instagram that you are going to XYZ... and then, did nothing. Or maybe you will feel a little bit less confidence that you couldn't pull it together, that time has passed now, another moment you will never get back. Another day when you trust yourself a little bit less because you didn't do what you said you would do.
Let's have a go at structuring a year's worth of goals....
Here we go......
Choose 3 things that you would like to achieve this year.
For each of these goals break the goal into another 4 action points
Now, for the 4 action points, per goal, break each of these into 3 action points (you should have 12 )
You now have an action for each month of the year towards your goal and an overarching goal per quarter to reach your goals for the year.
It looks like this...
Did you know that from the moment we have a thought about doing something that we literally have 3 seconds to take some sort of action towards what we want to do and then it's gone?
There are so many things running through our brain and senses every moment of our day, it is unrealistic to think that you have any chance of achieving a goal unless you structure your time and your life to be consistently triggered to taking the action towards that goal. It's easier than you think , and it can be really fun.
Warning: The following points are a repeat of many goal setting advisory blogs, It is my hope to instil a slightly different perspective....here we go
What's your reason for choosing that goal?
For example
I want to go to Thailand for a holiday, have a break from the day to day, you know, something different - catch some sun.
Well, you could have a break from the day to day by going hiking in the bush for the day - that's something different... and there's sun in every country. The only difference here is you've sat on a plane for 9 hours and paid thousands of dollars to be in Thailand.
What's the REAL reason?........
I want to go to Thailand for 10 days in July because it's a reward for me for doing so well in my business this year. It reminds me of when I lived there and the freedom and excitement I felt about life during that time - I WANT TO FEEL THAT AGAIN. Plus, it's warm and nobody knows me, incognito so to speak, it's also much more economical so I can feel like I'm in luxury for a fraction of the cost.
HOW TO....
Figure out the cost then break it down into how much you need to save/ day.
Book your flights in advance...Afterpay? Then its done, big expense out of the way.
Start with the big thing, then work back wards - figuring out the day costs- it's really so attainable.
Become emotionally attached, allow yourself to drink in the feelings of the vacation - bring it to life. This is how you build the clarity and solidify why you choose this. Then, it's much easier to be consistant. If you break your goal into action steps/ month like the above example - you can see it's alot easier than you thought to take the actions towards that goal. OK, so if you need to change a step- then change it, if you achieve it earlier than you thought you would - THEN CELEBRATE.
What I will say is, you can't avoid putting pen to paper. That is an integral part of the process. There's something about physically releasing your thoughts through the pen that makes them more real, don't you think? Look if you are not a fan of writing, then do mind maps - on the paper, with the pen. Use colour.
I would do one area of my life / day - really so you can consider how you would like to structure your thoughts for that area of your life. I know in the above example we started with 3 goals - you do as many or as few as you would like to.
What areas of your life are you wanting to set goals for?
Setting goals is not a quick thing. I never share my "New Years Resolutions". Why? Because, my friend, my New Year does not begin at the same time yours does. For me it's a flexibility point, it might begin every 6 months or every 9 months - depending on my achievements or how well, or how unexpectedly 'not to plan' my year is going.
It is an intensely personal process to set goals and I don't want suggestions and comments on how to or what I should do. I think differently to a lot of people - it's taken time to accept that about myself, now I love it and consider it a superpower. I don't want input from others about this - It's mine.
It's perfectly fine if your goals adjust along the journey - that's why you need to have regular checkins' with what intentions you set for yourself. You have to start somewhere, once you begin, things take on a life of their own- it's exciting to see what you achieve.
Happy Everything and Infinity Wonderful to You.