Fight History
224 fights
200 Wins 14 Losses 10 Draws
#1 in the top 10 fight draw record, Lumpini Stadium in weight class 105 pounds
2 x PABA Boxing Championship Titles
1 x Isan Muay Thai Champion Title holder​

You know, we were so poor, Papa liked to gamble, drink and party with friends. When he drank he drank for 2-3 weeks and did not come home. Only my mum took care of 7 children.The main reason I started fighting was for the family to help them with money.
My brother started fighting 6 months before me – I watched him fight and I wanted to fight like him. When I was 12 years old, I gave up school to start training to fight. I moved to the city Khon Kaen, East Thailand. My brother was training at the gym I went to. I stayed at this gym for about 5 years. When I first started training the owner asked me if I wanted to study and fight - I chose to only fight because it was too much to do both- I was too tired.
Next step, daily training, 7 days a week. We ran in the morning, 1 hour about 10 km, skip 10 minutes, jump on the tyre 10 minutes. Then train technique with the trainer, Muay Thai one on one, after that pad work and partner work, sparring and clinching. After training we had to do weight training, sit ups, pushups and conditioning. It's a lot when you are 12 years old. My whole life was now in the ring, eat, sleep, train, cry and laugh. I won my first fight- only 3 rounds. My opponent had fought many fights before. I felt so proud! I had won a little bit of money - 300 baht. I gave it to my Mum.
Many years later when I would run in the morning, I would feel sick ...... really I was lazy – I would catch the bus or the taxi back to the gym, because training every day was very hard. Sometimes the body needs to rest but sometimes the owner of the gym or trainers don’t understand and say are you lazy........
No, not lazy just need to rest- we know from feeling!
I became a champion! Now, I really love to teach Muay Thai & Western Boxing. I am always very happy to see my students and what they can do. We work hard and have a lot of fun.
Thank you for this opportunity.

Boxing & Muay Thai are two completely different sports. Muay Thai students do need to learn boxing if they plan to fight and Boxers can benefit from training with Muay Thai students for the cardio aspects - not kicking, of course!
Kru Komrit has fought professionally in Muay Thai and Western Boxing internationally. He has Level 4 Master Certifications in both Sports and has worked with Tiger Muay Thai, Phuket for 10 years. He has taught thousands of students from beginner to fighter.
More recently he has travelled to different countries as a personal trainer and now is the head trainer at CKO Sydney.


The Art of Eight Limbs
Learning Muay Thai gives you a great advantage on the range and separation of your opponent.
Muay Thai involves the use of all striking points through kicks, elbows, knees, and punches. This type of striking takes a much longer time to learn when compared to just using one form of attack. Not only do you need to learn how to use these type of strikes, but you also have to learn to defend against these type of strikes.
It's great for fitness, cardiovascular strength and conditioning.
We have been working together in Tiger Muay Thai, Phuket Thailand, for about 8 years. Komrit is the best friend I have.
I saw him work hard. We have a lot of fun while teaching the students and the students talk about him as the best trainer. He takes care of them so well. Komrit has trained hard professionally in his career as a Muay Thai fighter and Boxer.
I respect this. He works hard to train his students well and understands how they need to work, if they need to go hard or slow and how they need to adjust technique to do their best. I am so proud to have him as my friend and work beside him.
Phong Chai Sit O, Tiger Muay Thai

Boxing is gives you a great advantage with footwork and self-defense
The focus is on spacing, timing, and reading your opponent for the use of your hands.
Boxing involves striking with your hands as well as footwork and cardio vascular training. This type of striking emphasizes quick hands and head movement to avoid punches.
Boxing is great for fitness and cardiovascular strength and conditioning.
Working in a group training environment or private sessions to help you improve technique and reach your fitness goals
Beginner to fighter training
Learn from a Lumpini champion the fundamentals through to moves and techniques that will give you the edge
Beginner to fighter training
Freestyle and fundamentals
Fast hands, fast feet and head movement
For intensive fight preparation or transformation training in your home- I have been to many countries and can come to yours too
Good technique
Works hard
Thanks !

I have been training in Muay Thai for about 6 years but only recently began training with Komrit. I would recommend any one to train with Komrit – no question- at any level beginner, intermediate or fighter. For me it was a challenge technically, physically and also a lot of fun. If you asked me to recommend one trainer it would be Komrit.
Anna, Sweden
I have worked with Komrit for 9 years at Tiger Muay Thai Phuket Thailand.
Komrit has the most return students of any trainer at Tiger Muay Thai- they come back every year to train with him and visit.
I am happy to have the opportunity to work with him.
Sit O, Tiger Muay Thai

Great Trainer!
I have trained at many gyms. He is by far the best trainer-knows exactly when to push me.
A gentle man...and total beast. Thanks Kru Komrit!

Komrit is a fantastic trainer! He is now also a good friend.
I trained with him in Thailand and he came to me in the UK. We went to see Liverpool play - he got to live one of his dreams - Makes me so happy!
Komrit has trained hard professionally in his career as a Muay Thai fighter & Boxer.
I am so proud to have him as my friend & work beside him.
Phong Chai
Sit-O, TMT

An asset for Australia in the sport of Muay Thai. A great trainer!